This article follows our last publication on the choice of wood for packaging. It refers to the content of our webinar (part 2) held on 19 November. In line with the choice of a renewable, natural, recyclable material with a neutral carbon footprint, the manufacturing of our plywood folding boxes is part of an eco-design approach. What does this consist of?

The definition of eco-design


According to the French Standardization Association AFNOR, eco-design consists of integrating the environment from the design stage of a product or service and during the different stages of its life cycle.

At NO-NAIL BOXES, the basic principle is to design packaging that respects the principles of sustainable development. By adopting this global approach, we aim at several objectives:

  • obtain the greatest possible benefit for all actors involved
  • with minimal environmental impact
  • in socially equitable conditions
  • through the intelligent use of resources


How does this eco-design work in practice?


Designing eco-friendly packaging is based on a set of concrete actions aimed at limiting pollution, preserving ecosystems, promoting biodiversity and protecting human health. These results are obviously mutually supportive and constitute a form of virtuous circle that is also found in the notions of renewal and recycling, which are specific to the wood industry.

In this logic, our actions consist of:

  • optimizing the size and volume of the packaging
  • choosing recycled and recyclable materials that are also certified
  • working with responsible partners
  • adopting a circular economy approach
  • better communicating with users


Thus, our plywood folding boxes are 95 % made to measure, which allows us to reduce waste, use different thicknesses of plywood with optimized cutting, reduce wood scraps and recycle unusable ones.

Of course, the origin and traceability of the raw material are essential elements in our eco-design approach, which is based on the current regulations. Since 5 February 2011, NO-NAIL BOXES is labeled PEFC, which is a program for the endorsement of forest certification that guarantees sustainable forest management and strict control of wood flows.

In a perspective of continuous improvement in waste management and recycling, we also apply the European directive 94/62 CE. This directive commits us to limit the production of packaging waste, to promote the recovery and recycling of waste and to contribute to the implementation of a circular economy. The targets for 2025 and 2030 are ambitious, since already by the end of 2025, at least 65 % of all packaging waste weight will have to be recycled. Compliance with these two regulations is part of the CSR approach of NO-NAIL BOXES.

The advantages of eco-designed packaging


Choosing to use eco-designed packaging for your business is a way to:

  • protect your health and that of your employees by using non-hazardous materials
  • preserve ecosystems and biodiversity
  • reduce the impact of waste and its treatment on the environment
  • combat pollution generated by the transportation of raw materials and products


In addition to their eco-design, we offer a range of folding boxes specially designed for shuttles. It is important to know that a shuttle box can replace more than 200 non-returnable packages, which represents a real gain for our users both economically and ecologically.

In addition, our boxes are delivered in three separately reusable parts: a pallet, a lining (composed of 4 side panels associated with each other with 4 vertical steel corners) and a top. If one part is damaged during handling, we are able to replace it separately. The boxes also customizable and can be closed by strapping or screwing, which makes it possible for them to be reused many times.

How are our boxes recycled?


In terms of recovery and recycling, we advise our customers to contact their local waste company to proceed with the removal of the boxes to be recycled. These will be shredded before the plywood and the steel they contain are automatically separated. The wood can then be recycled into chipboard or be used to generate electricity and heat through cogeneration. As for the steel, it starts its second life cycle, considering that the steel we use is infinitely recyclable.

Thus, NO-NAIL BOXES integrates the eco-design approach at each stage of the manufacturing and life of its products, and guarantees the use of secure and environmentally friendly packaging. Choosing to use our packaging solutions can deliberately be part of our customers’ CSR approach.