
For greater clarity, to facilitate our customers’ selection and to simplify navigation on our new website, we decided to change the names of our boxes on the basis of three categories: EXBOX (formerly the NO-NAIL type boxes), ISIBOX and CLIP BOX.

The ISIBOX didn’t just change its name! Indeed, NO-NAIL BOXES aims to constantly improve its service to its customers. That is also our goal for improving our products and our manufacturing processes. The old folding plywood boxes RIVVAPLY, now called RIBOX, will be gradually replaced by the ISIBOX boxes.

You still have all the advantages of the RIVVAPLY boxes but, in addition, the ISIBOX:

  • guarantees a perfectly smooth surface inside. The steel angles are now pressed whereas they were riveted before.
  • is more solid because the closing systems are wider and have more fixation points.

Be reassured! In the interest of simplifying the lives of our customers, NO-NAIL BOXES thought of you. Previous order references will remain the same.

No-Nail Boxes logo print version